Pre-marital counselling is helpful for many couples and individuals who want an overview of challenges that face them once they marry. They want to establish the best possible relationship patterns to serve them for years to come. They have specific issues on which they are stuck on and they would like to examine and move ahead on their issues before they marry.

We help them to enjoy the opportunity to uncover the many expectations, spoken & unspoken, all about each other in preparation for marriage.

Post-marital counselling helps you heal the pain in your heart by bridging the gap and find a solution to negotiate issues and create a joint resolution and a focused vision. Instead of enjoying a good thing you are rather enduring a grievous thing because of the many conflicts you are encountering in your marriage.

The most common issues and problems in marital relations are lack of communication, unrealistic expectations from marriage or partner, serious personal issues, extra marital affair, lack of love & affection, alcoholism, value conflicts and so on.

Post-marital counselling helps you how to receive and deliver appreciation in your marriage/relationship. It helps unhappy married couples to fall in love again and to experience a healthy glowing marriage.


For overall well-being teenager counselling can make a big difference to your teenager. From mood swings to behavioral issues, all teens have problems. But sometimes a teen’s distress might rise to a level where even parents are not able to deal with them properly. Teenagers generally faces several problems like depression, experiencing new ideas, dealing with peer groups, anxiety disorders, behavior problems, substance abuse issues, family issues, stress, school and social related issues, legal problems, low self-esteem, trauma, grief, sexual issues & general confusion that comes up with growing up, negative thinking, risky behavior ,feeling of loneliness, adjustment issues and so on.

Teenager counselling is something that provide you know what to do and avoid. We help the teens knowing their interest schedules, what is going on in their lives and also help in lowering resistance by breaking their boundaries make them feel connected.

Although some parents worry that suggesting counselling service for their son or daughter means they are failing them as a parent. This couldn’t be further from the truth. While we would of course, always recommend talking to your teen if you think something is wrong, some circumstances benefit from talking to a neutral party. Teens often struggle to talk to their parents because they’re worried they will get in trouble or what they say will affect their terms with their parents. Even sometimes, it may be their parents who need to talk about and so are unlikely to come to them directly. In these cases, having someone to talk confidentially and who will listen without judging can be really a big help.



Every relationship is unique and people come together for many reasons. We all want to have healthy relationships but due several issues the relationships doesn’t work well. There are incompatibilities in terms of values, lifestyles, goals and sexual derives. There is fear of losing partner, jealousy, infidelity, violence, abuse, overruled or dominating partner, dishonesty, disrespect, lost interest, constant relationship stress, avoidance, closed communication, frequent fights, lack of freshness and dissatisfactions.

Relationship counselling provides a safe space to reflect on the issues, their respective causes and insight building for solutions and helps you develop better understanding and provide healthy perspective about your relationship dynamics.


Parents and their children will experience conflicts and it’s both healthy and normal in many circumstances. However, if the conflict you have with your child is causing stress and other negative emotions, it may be time to consider professional help. Child-pafrfent counselling is beneficial because it provides you with an outside view of what is going on within the wall of your home.

We help you look into your parenting styles and compare them with your child’s development behaviors. This can provide insight to improve the relationship based on what we find. Counselling helps a parent to raise kids in an effective way it helps in mending the behavior of their child, when kids are wayward, show up temper tantrums. Counselling helps them both cope better, communicate better, do better and learn how to work out their problems.


Family counselling is beneficial to those who are struggling to cope with family relationship issues. We provide therapy, advise & counselling to individuals, couples, families when problem, conflicts and crisis arise in the family. Family counselling help the whole family to communicate better and to understand & to resolve differences.

Sometimes relationship within families are put under strain and family members feel isolated or overloaded. Counselling generally help when siblings are not getting on, or when parents and children are going through a divorce and separation. Forming a new family is a challenge and it is at this point that many parents seek for some support to help everyone settle.

We provide confidential and non-judgmental support and encourage everyone who comes to have their say and to share their feelings if they wished. Family counselling aids to build stronger relationships between every member of the family and help you to work together as a team.



Emotional counselling is a person talking and creative therapy to help clients experiencing distress in their lives. The distress or emotional block can take the form of many emotions like anger, sadness, resentment, fear, anxiety, loss, lack of self-esteem, lack of confidence, aggression, shame, guilt, these emotional responses can be brought on by a life changing events, relationship or family issues, ongoing sadness & low moods, work related issues or deep seated unresolved issues. These feelings affect our behavior.
Emotional counselling aids the expression of feelings & thoughts and creativity allows the person to understand their true feelings and empathetic environment to move on more positively with their lives. Our early life’s experiences shape the adult we will become. We call this our “inner child”. Learning to accept, love, forgive past experience, learn to hide away the attacks on our personality and repress these feelings and finding positivity in life is the key to emotional counselling.


Stress is an adverse reaction we have to excessive pressure or other situations we face in our lives and leave us feeling overwhelmed or overloaded by the demands placed upon us.

Stress counselling helps you understand why you feel stressed and find strategies that can help you learn how to cope with stress. Talking to us helps the person to go back to basics about how he/she is feeling when stressed and why. We help the person to explore and understand what is causing stress to find some specific solutions to combat it.

The counselling environment provides a peace for you to be accepted, to not be judged and to verbalize what you are feeling and going through. It gives you someone to offload to in a safe environment.

Sometimes everything is in the “Stress Pot” which can fill up and overflow and you can’t see what it contains or make sense of it. That Pot can get emptied in the therapy room. A Counsellor can help you explore it and make sense of it and find the next step forward.